Originally published: “Lessons from Virginia” Inside Higher Ed, June 18, 2012 Only University of Virginia Rector (a.k.a. board chair) Helen E. Dragas and Vice Rector Mark J. Kington and perhaps the four other members of the Executive Committee of the Board...
Originally published: “Setting an Agenda: How Presidents Succeed or Fail in Promoting Change,” Inside Higher Ed, May 2, 2012 Most new college presidents today are confronted with what their institutions deem insufficient resources (although what seems...
Originally published: “Presidents and Mission,” Inside Higher Ed , September 21, 2011 Several years ago, as I began the process of learning about a faith-based college in my role as the institution’s presidential search consultant, a member of the campus...
Originally published: “Boards and Presidents — After the Hire,” Inside Higher Ed, March 6, 2009 The world of higher education is replete with stories of new presidents who have floundered in their first several years. (Fortunately, there are many...
Originally published: Change and Its Consequences, published in Liberal Education, Fall 2000 Most college administrators are being bombarded with reports urging change and describing how to effect it. At the same time, colleges and universities are faced with new...